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Rediscover Your Magic

with Helen Hart

Clinical Hypnotherapist + Reiki Master + Mindset Coach


An 8-week group program to reignite your passions. Define your direction.  Fall back in love with your life.  Discover techniques that will take you beyond relaxation.


There’s something inside of you that knows it’s time to start taking care of yourself.

There’s a passion within you and you know you have purpose, you know there’s more.


You know it’s time to …


Re-Discover your Magic


So tell me...

Do you long for more energy? 

Do you wish you had a more hours, more time to devote to yourself?

Do you wish you had a passion that could help others?


And yet, with all these thoughts and dreams, you feel guilty for thinking about yourself.  Investing time and money on you?  You know you could be more, do more but you just seem stuck on the hamster wheel.  Some days you are just too damn tired to think about anything and your head is spinning. 

Perhaps you used to know what you loved but now you just don’t seem to have time to do it. 

Or, perhaps you have never found that ‘thing’ that floats your boat. 


If only someone could just help you find that time, ignite that passion.  Help you work out exactly what you were good at.  Where your ‘magic’ was. 


If any of this sounds like you, you’re in the right place – I hear you and I see you. And best of all, I can help you…


Welcome to Rediscover your Magic an 8-week Mastermind program, that's all about you.


But before we move on, I want to tell you that once you go down this path, there is no turning back.  You will be filled with such energy, such vigour that you will be bursting at the seams. 


If this doesn’t sound like something that you want, then click away now.

And let me tell you, the strategies you’ll learn in here will change the way you feel, you react, you respond.  The way you live your life.


Yep, it’s powerful stuff.




Because this is a rare opportunity to rediscover yourself.  Connect, communicate and really be heard.  Learn strategies that will have you feeling more connected, more energised, so you can be all you dreamed you’d be.


For many years, women joined together in communities to share and assist each other. 

Yet, these days when the pressure to be EVERYTHING is so great we are more disconnected than ever. 


That’s where this program comes in...


Over 8 weeks, in an intimate online setting, you’ll learn how to reconnect with your magic.  How to tap into that magic, your genius.  Discover what sets you apart from everyone else in the world. 


You are unique, there will never be another you and you are here for a purpose.  Learn to tap into that purpose and follow your dreams. 


Learn to deal with exhaustion and fatigue and develop focus through my own specially developed self hypnosis tools.  Learn how to put it all in to practice and to keep the momentum going.   


You’ll go through the entire process of honing in on what makes you tick.  You’ll learn how to carve out a cohesive, structured path for yourself. 

You will learn how to create the mindset that allows you to be at your most effective. 

You’ll learn how to conquer those fears that are holding you back from being authentically and wonderfully you. 


This is about peeling back layers and removing perceived barriers. While cultivating your real, genuine magic. 


The details...


Weekly 60-minute LIVE group coaching calls

This is where we get down to the nitty, gritty.  Everyone will get an opportunity to ask questions and participate. 


Online Portal

Access to training videos, audios and worksheets.  These will guide you outside of the live group calls. 

Private Facebook Community

A place to connect and be inspired.  These women will be your greatest support.  You will share and cheer each other on. 


Special Guests

Oh, it’s just not me and my experience you get.  You also get a whole host of extras from experts in interpersonal neurobiology of human interaction and development, self-awareness and effective communication to personality types and archetype systems.  And so much more.


OH, AND ONE MORE THING…You are invited to a....

One Day ‘Magical’ Event

This day is TOP SECRET.  Only once you have completed the 8 week program will you be privy to the contents of this special day. 


What I can tell you is that you will be treated, surprised and delighted and you will see the real power and magic of what you have manifested.


There comes a time when you know you can’t keep doing what you are doing.  Wasting time and energy on what is not working for you.

If you’ve been waiting for a sign, this is it. It is YOUR time to invest in you.  Now!!!


Here's some feedback from the gorgeous ladies that have done this program: 


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